Saturday, December 5, 2009

What Kinds of Qualifications Does a Masseuse Need?

By Adriana Noton

Massage therapy is both an art and science that requires special training. It is one health career that has become popular in recent years due to more people requiring the services of a professional masseuse. A masseuse will apply medical massage techniques to sooth and alleviate aching muscles and tissues to promote healing of an injured area or an area that has a lot of tension.

As well, a therapeutic massage promotes relaxation and stress relief. To become a qualified masseuse on requires the proper education, training and have essential skills to properly massage specific areas. Kneading and massaging skills are essential to treating a client.

To become a qualified masseuse, one should take a massage therapy program from an accredited massage therapy school or program. To be accepted into a massage therapy program, one must have completed their high school diploma. There are a number of accredited schools that you can attend where the school will provide a certificate as a massage therapist that will meet the licensing requirements for your area. It is essential for one to become a certified massage therapist. For instance, in the United States, one will take the National Certification Board of Massage Therapy certification exam once they have graduated from an accredited massage therapy school. Each state requires a masseuse to be certified. Currently, thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have massage therapy regulations and mandates.

It is essential that one completes a massage therapy program that is accredited by a national massage therapy accreditation agency. When choosing a massage therapy program or school, it is important to inquire about that school's accreditation.

There are a number of areas one can specialize in when considering a career as a masseuse. Massages can include: Swedish massage, sports massage, and clinical massage. In order to special in a particular massage area, one will have to undergo more training in that area as well as acquire a particular certificate. It is recommended that one attend a school that provides the necessary education and training for a specific massage area.

When searching schools, it is important to check the schools to see what types of massage programs are available. A good research tool is the internet. You will find a broad number of accredited massage therapy schools online and each will describe the programs they offer as they can vary according to the type of massage programs they offer. Costs of attending massage therapy school can vary from hundreds of dollars to a few thousand.

After you have completed the massage therapy program, you will have to get licensed. It is important to check your area's licensing requirements as it can vary from state to state. Many states require a specific number of hours of training that must be completed before one is granted a license. Once one has a license, they can work in such areas as a physical therapy clinic, physical rehabilitation facility, hospital, wellness clinic, own their own business, doctor's clinic, sports medicine, nursing homes, spas, and fitness centers. A masseuse can even have their own portable massage business where they go to the location of a client to provide a therapeutic massage.

A career as a masseuse is one area that is growing in demand. It is a gratifying and financially rewarding career for people who enjoy helping to improve individual health and wellness. - 15440

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bowling Game Tips to Get Better In Bowling

By John Abraham

For all those looking to improve upon their bowling skills, here are some important tips that will help you do better and earn even more pins in the game.

Firstly, you should not use the wrong equipment. Make sure you have the right equipment. Only then you can do well in the bowling game. You need to think about the weight of the ball you carry. It should not be too heavy.

Buy good bowling shoes. You should have your own shoes that fit rightly. If you wear shoes that are too big or small for you, then you will not be comfortable playing the game and may not do well.

You need to get the lift and release right. You have to take some steps that will enable you to do so. First you need to know which foot you should set first. For right handed persons, the right foot must be stepped first.

To make the ball exactly where you want, you have to aim according to the arrows on the floor. This way, you will do a better stride and you ball will go where you want.

Players often think of hitting the middle pin. But if you do so, there are more chances of getting a split. Also, you should bend the knees up to the extent you are comfortable. Thus you will have a better balance.

You should not turn your wrist. Most experts advise to turn the wrist only while making a hook and keep it straight in all other cases. If you are looking for the best bowling tips, you just found it.

More practice is required to learn how to move the ball in any direction. Oiling up the ball helps you to move it straight but there is no need to oil it up if you want it to follow a curved path.

Thus you can get better in the bowling game. You can add more than 30 pins to your game and throw even more strikes with ease. - 15440

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Improper Massages Can Injure Muscles

By Adriana Noton

A massage performed by an experienced and licensed massage therapist is a therapeutic technique that helps the muscles relax so that tension and soreness can be alleviated and healing of an injured area can begin. The goal of a therapeutic massage is to improve and enhance the healing process. An injured or torn muscle can be so sore that it prevents one from engaging in their normal activities. Massages promote muscle healing by increasing blood circulation to the injured area, reducing tension, reducing stress, and draining lymph nodes. If one is not experienced and educated in the art of massage and its therapeutic methods, the injured area can receive further damage thereby delaying the healing process.

A massage therapist will be able to identify which muscle is injured and know which type of technique and oils are best to treat the injured area. An improper massage can further injure a torn muscle, so it is important to use the services of a licensed massage therapist. For instance, deep tissue massage is a preferred massage technique to help people with lower back pain. The therapeutic movement and motions of massage therapy will loosen tight muscles to increase flexibility and reduce stiff and sore muscles. The improved circulation brings much needed oxygen and nutrients to the injured area which enhances the healing process. As well, a professional massage will decrease muscle spasms, decrease pain and soreness, relieve tension, improve range of motion and muscle and joint flexibility, and drains fluids so swelling is minimized. The over all result is reduced discomfort and quicker recovery time.

A massage therapist is a trained and educated professional who knows exactly how to apply the proper massage techniques to a particular injured area. They will attend a special school where they will acquire a certificate. To work as a massage therapist, they will have to be licensed. As well, a massage therapist can even specialize in areas such as Swedish massage, sports massage, and clinical massage. To become a licensed massage therapist, most states require national certification. Training, education, and certification highlight the importance of not having an inexperienced person who tries to massage an injured muscle or tissue.

There have been very little risks associated with engaging in massage therapy. There have been a few noted injuries, but it was normally the result of an inexperienced and unqualified person giving the massage. Before you decide to have massage therapy, ask the therapist about his or her training, experience, and any licenses or credentials acquired. As well, make sure you tell the massage therapist about any medical conditions you have and ask whether he or she has had any specialized training or experience with the particular condition, and ask about the number of treatments that will be needed.

Massage therapy is an ancient practice with proven results. There are many types of massage therapy that involve working the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. In the United States, massage therapy is often part of traditional medicine. As well, it is part of complementary and alternative medicine. When engaging in a massage session, it is important that you use the services of a licensed massage therapist. - 15440

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are Massages Appropriate for Every Age Group

By Adriana Noton

A massage can be a great stress buster. In this day and age when just about everyone, including children are stressed, can anyone get a massage? While age is not a deterrent to having a massage, not all types of massages are appropriate for all age groups. It is for this reason why there are masseuses who are trained in offering various types of massages.

While massages are appropriate for any person aged 0 to 100, there are massages and techniques that are best suited for different age groups. Plus, the techniques used and pressure asserted when giving a healthy adult male a massage wouldn't be used on a child of eight. An aromatherapy massage may not be ideal for an asthmatic as the strong scents may bring on an attack, but again this is not age-related.

It may be surprising to learn that babies can benefit greatly from massages. In fact, from the first day of birth a massage can be given to a baby. Not everyone can give a baby a massage as there are techniques that must be learned so as not to harm them. Many parents take classes on giving massages to babies because of the many benefits that can be derived from this. Some of the wonderful benefits include:

- For many newborns, a massage makes the transition from the womb into the world a bit easier. - Helps to soothe a fussy baby - Can help put a baby to sleep - Helps improve and maintain the health of the baby's circulatory system and even their digestive system - Helps to build and strengthen the bond between parents and babies

In fact, there are only a few groups of persons who are advised not to have massages. Others can have massages if they have certain conditions, but the affected areas of the body must be avoided. None of these factors, however, has anything to do with age. These individuals are:

- Pregnant women in their first trimester. In fact, unless the masseuse has been trained in giving massages to pregnant women, known as prenatal massage, you shouldn't get a massage when pregnant. - Persons with varicose veins should avoid having the areas with the veins massaged - Persons with broken bones. Clearly the tissue surrounding broken bones should not be massaged. Even the areas just outside the cast may be sensitive to pressure. - People with areas with open cuts and wounds.

Anyone can have a stress busting, relaxing massage regardless of their age. The one factor is that the massage should be age-appropriate and performed by someone trained to offer this type of massage as certain massages are appropriate for people of varying ages.

Before deciding on what type of massage to get or give someone, learn about the various types of massages that exist. There are quite a few, with the 10 most commonly known ones being Swedish massage, Acupressure massage, Deep Tissue massage, Aromatherapy massage, Pregnancy massage, Hot Stone massage, Back massage, Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, and Geriatric massage.

Over the years, massage therapy has become a popular choice for people of all ages. They provide the soothing comfort and relaxation that we all could use at some point in our lives. - 15440

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Advise for Choosing Wireless Burglar Alarms

By Tab Pierce

Burglar alarms are electronic devices that can help to keep unwanted intruders from entering your home. Not only can they keep your house safe by sounding an alarm when the house is entered without your permission, but they can also serve as a deterrent when there is signage that a burglar alarm is installed. Thieves are looking for easy break and enter situations and will often pass up homes that have alarms installed in them.

There are two major forms of burglar alarms. They are wireless and hard wired burglar alarms. A hard wired alarm tends to have high installation as well as maintenance costs, which is the main reason why wireless burglar alarms are so popular.

In days past, it was only the wealthy who could afford to have burglar alarms installed in their homes. Today homeowners can find inexpensive wireless alarms at their local home improvement stores. Many people can install these themselves, saving themselves hundreds if not thousands of dollars in installation costs.

Another advantage to a wireless burglar alarm is that it is portable. When you decide to move you will be able to take the alarm with you. This saves you from having to buy a new system, unless you want to use the burglar alarm as an attractive feature for selling your home.

Wireless burglar alarms are also very flexible. You can place the sensors on your windows, doors and other locations in your house. Therefore, you can decide the strategic entry points and place your sensors accordingly.

Wireless burglar alarms also do come in various formats, depending on what your needs as well as budget are. If you have a lot of large windows you might want to invest in a system that comes with glass break detectors. Many wireless burglar alarms have motion detectors and some even have smoke detectors as well. Security cameras are another feature you can add to a wireless burglar alarm type of system.

You can buy a wireless burglar alarms at a home improvement or local hardware store or even purchase one online. The internet is also a convenient way of researching various systems and options. Before you decide which particular burglar alarm you want to purchase, be sure that you have thoroughly examined what your specific safety concerns and requirements are and do thorough research on different the different available options.

Wireless burglar alarms are very inexpensive, easy to install, and flexible. They provide a great way for homeowners to help safeguard their home as well as their loved ones living in it. If you do not currently have an alarm system installed in your home, you should definitely consider getting one. - 15440

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Therapeutic Affects of Massage Therapy

By Amy Nutt

Massage therapy is one of the oldest methods of physical therapy. It is the practice of pressing, kneading, and rubbing specific areas of the body in order to promote pain relief and relax and stimulate the tissues of the body. It works on the tendons, ligaments, and muscles to improve muscle tissues. It can not only benefit the tissues, but even the body's organs.

A massage has traditionally been known as a method of achieving relaxation and relieving tension. However, many of today's health problems can benefit from massage therapy. Massage therapy treatments will improve one's health by targeting and impacting such areas such as the immune, muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems.

The therapeutic benefits of massage therapy include: 1. Massage therapy will relieve sore muscle tissues and alleviate pain which can help speed up recovery time. A minor muscle injury can often prevent one from staying physically active. Massage therapy helps one return to their active lifestyle much more quickly.

2. Many people who work often find themselves working long hours and undertaking strenuous physical tasks. They can suffer from tight and tense muscles in the neck and back. A expert massage therapist can locate the source of muscle tension and apply massage techniques to alleviate the condition. Back pain can be treated with massage therapy. Deep tissue massage is a popular choice for back pain as it helps to soothe aching muscles.

3. Massage therapy can greatly improve circulation. The pressure and movements causes blood to circulate into and out of muscles and joints. Improved circulation can help speed up the recovery of muscle tissue injuries. The increased blood flood helps increase the nourishment to the muscles and the stimulation of blood circulation assists the lymphatic system in improving the removal of waste throughout the body.

4. The motions of massage can help increase flexibility in muscles. The therapist can also use methods such as Muscle Energy Technique to increase flexibility by relieving tension and reducing stiffness.

5. A massage can improve skin health by regulating oil production.

Other physical benefits of massage therapy include: relieves muscle tension and stiffness that includes the neck region, reduces discomfort during pregnancy, promotes healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments, reduces pain and swelling, reduces muscle spasms, improves joint flexibility and range of motion, enhances the health and nourishment of skin, reduces blood pressure, and relieves tension headaches and the negative effects of eye-strain.

Mental and emotional benefits of massage therapy include: promotes a relaxed state of mind, relieves mental stress, promotes clear thinking and creativity, reduces anxiety, and promotes a state of well being.

Regular massages can have the therapeutic effect of strengthening and toning the entire body which will help to prevent strains and injuries. A massage can also stimulate the nervous system to help reduce exhaustion and restore one's physical and mental levels.

Massage therapists work in a variety of settings such as sport and fitness facilities, rehabilitation facilities, work places, hospitals, nursing homes...etc. More people are now discovering the therapeutic effects of massage therapy. - 15440

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

What is Expert Massage?

By Amy Nutt

If you've ever suffered muscular pain and needed to be kneaded, chances are you may be one of the millions of people worldwide to have sought out an expert massage. Expert massageis the practice of soft tissue manipulation with the goal of achieving physical, and in some cases, psychological well being. It is both an art and a science that can be learned through hands-on and theoretical training. Some practitioners train for many years to become experts in specific disciplines of this healing technique, which has been used in numerous countries since ancient times.

How does expert massage work? Massage involves manipulating the body with pressure, tension, motion, or vibration. It can be performed manually, using the hands, fingers, elbows, forearms and feet. It can also involve the use of aids, as in hot stone massage therapy. Expert massage will often involve the client being treated while lying on a massage table or sitting in a specially-designed massage chair. Clients may also be treated while lying on a mat on the floor. The client may be partially unclothed, depending on the type of treatment.

What benefits can expert massage have? Expert massage can be used to target tissue and muscular pain, and can also be used to stimulate the lymphatic and gastrointestinal systems. It can be used to reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, increase flexibility and relax the body, mind and spirit.

Which sort of expert massage is right for me? An expert masseuse will generally carry out a detailed interview prior to therapy to ensure their healing process is most suited for your particular needs. There are more than 100 different recognized massage modalities, and all have different benefits.

What are some of the types of expert massage available? One of the most popular expert massage modalities is Swedish Massage. This is a very gentle and relaxing massage where therapists use massage lotion or oil to perform long, smooth strokes. Aromatherapy Masseuses employ a similar technique but use essential plant oil extracts to address specific needs. Hot Stone Massage is good for people who have muscle tension, and uses heated smooth stones which are placed on certain points of the body to relieve pain and balance energy centres. Deep tissue massage is excellent for chronically tight or painful muscles, and for recovery from injury. Shiatsu is a form of Japanese manipulation that focuses on acupuncture meridians.

I'm pregnant - is there an expert massage modality specific for my needs? Absolutely. Studies have shown that both mothers and unborn children can benefit from expert massage therapy. Also called prenatal massage, pregnancy massage is used to reduce stress, decrease swelling, reduce aches and pains, and relieve anxiety and depression. Pregnancy massage experts are trained in how to position the woman's body and modify techniques.

How do I get more information about expert massage? In many countries expert massage therapists must be registered with their relevant health association. Information can be found online, or by contacting your local health provider. Travel agencies or tourism associations can provide you with information about expert massage in overseas countries. - 15440

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fun and Fitness In Your Living Room

By Patrick Daniels

Exclusively for Nintendo Wii, EA has created EA Sports active. EA Sports Active was developed with the assistance of fitness experts, and provides fun for the user, along with easy to learn fitness routines. Your movement are viewed on the television, as the controllers which track your upper and lower body movements, utilizing leg straps. It enables you to follow wonderful fitness routines with a virtual training in the security of your home.

There are various twenty minute routine, in EA Sports Active, and each day you will be challenged with a routine different from the last. EA Sports Active also provides you with a virtual trainer, for that needed motivation. All routine focus on upper and lower body fitness, however there are options for cardio, if that is what you would prefer.

During your routine the intensity begin to increase and your workout will become increasingly difficult. You virtual trainer provides you with feedback and keep you moving on the right path throughout your entire routine. If you choose you can set up personal routines that focus on a specific area, and no matter what type of routine you do your Wii system will keep track of your daily progress. Another additional motivator with EA Sports Active, is that it provides you with a real time calorie burning count.

With EA Sports Active for the Nintendo Wii, getting exercise and meeting your personal fitness goals is made fun and easy. The exercises in the game are fun, and you can also use the game to workout with a friend which can make the game more fun as well as more beneficial since working out with a friend can provide additional motivation. In multi-player mode, you and your friend can track your own workouts in a split screen setup. You are able to compete against each other which in turn often leads to a more intense workout.

Getting exercise from the comfort of you own living room has never been easier than it is with EA Sports Active for the Nintendo Wii. Using the motion sensing technology of the Wii's controls the game is able to sense your movements, and a personal trainer provides helpful feedback and encouragement throughout your routine. The difficultly and intensity of your workout is based upon your personal level of fitness, making the game an excellent exercise option for anyone regardless of their current level of physical fitness. EA Sports Active can be purchased wherever video games are sold. - 15440

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's Your Favorite Type of Massage?

By Amy Nutt

There are many ways for a person to find comfort in this day and age, as relaxation is something that is quite important. In a bustling world of constant work schedules and deadlines to meet, there is really a need for a person to be able to take a load off. Luckily, this has become a big market in countries around the world, and many of these methods have been very successful. With all of the options available in the world of relaxation, there is really something out there for everyone to partake in. So, for a person who are really feeling stressed or burnt out on the world, please relax and take up some of the techniques that people have been using for years!

For instance, there are very few things in this world that is better than a relaxing massage. A massage is something that can really help a person relax and escape from their worries, and even luckier still, there are very many different types of massage for a person to take in.

The Swedish Massage. This is probably the most common, and popular massage in many counties of the world. In this particular form of massage, the masseuse uses long broad strokes, circular movements, as well as deep kneading to remove the knots that a person may have.

Hot Stone Massage. This increasingly popular form of massage is something that is really beneficial for relaxation purposes. It is called a hot stone massage because it involves heated stones are placed on certain parts of the body to warm the muscles and relieve the tension. The therapist may even apply pressure with the stones for deeper treatment, perfect for those with a lot of tension.

Deep Tissue Massage. As the name implies, this type of massage focuses on the deep layers of muscles and the connective tissue. This is ideal for those with muscle pains that are on-going, and is often seen as the most effective technique in the massage world.

Shiatsu. This Japanese technique is something that has become quite popular in the western world over the years. This is a specialized massage, focused on the places similar to acupuncture meridians. Each point is held for a few seconds and released to promote positive energy flow, as well as letting the body keep balance

There are many forms of massages, as many people are finding out. While some may not be good for a portion of the populous, there really is no bad massage. The massage is something that has to really be experienced to really see the benefit. People really need to relax, and the massage is genuinely the answer to many of the problems that you simply cannot answer.

In this ever bustling world, the massage can really relieve the tension, and make the world a happier place in turn. And with all of these forms available, there are really methods for even the most skeptical to find something that they can really find enjoyment in. So, the question is, what's your favorite type of massage? - 15440

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What Is The Difference Between Hydrocollators And Thermalators?

By Amy Nutt

When a person is injured due to exercise, sports, or other activity, the use of heat or cold is a common treatment employed in their physical therapy sessions. The use of heat is a non-evasive and helpful means of treatment. The use of heat therapy promotes an increased blood flow to the injured tissue. The flow of blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the injured area while decreasing muscle spasms, alleviating pain, and relaxing the muscle tissues. Heat is available in many forms such as hot and moist compresses, dry or moist heating pads, hydrotherapy, and silicate gel packs. Two popular methods used in heat treatment for injured muscle and tissue are Hydrocollators and Thermalators.


In physical therapy, a hydrocollator is a liquid heating apparatus that is used to heat and store 'hot packs.' The hot packs are used to treat physical conditions such as muscle spasms, sprains, and bruised tissue. They are often used to prepare an injured area for a deep tissue massage. A pack is heated to about 65C and then placed on the injured area. The increased blood flow helps to minimize pain and stimulate healing. The hydrocollator pack is a small pack filled with a silica gel. The pack is soaked in hot water in the hydrocollator device in order to provide extended moist heat to the tissue. The silicate gel absorbs the water and retains the heat. They are usually applied over wrapped layers of towels for a specified period of time, which is usually about 20 minutes. Decreasing the thickness of the towel reduces the heat flow and produces an intentional decrease in the temperature. The maximum temperature is obtained after about 8 minutes, followed by a reduction in temperature. Repeated application of hot packs may extend the period of temperature elevation, but does not alter the distribution of the heat.


Thermalators are hot therapy devices that are used to maintain a continuous heat temperature. The purpose is to provide comfortable and effective physical therapy. Proper heating of the packs allows for an extended period of application on the injury. Thermalators are used in physical therapy clinics and rehabilitation facilities. They maintain a constant water temperature which reduces the need for manually controlling the temperature of the water. Thermalators are also used to maintain massage lotions at a constant warm temperature. Professional equipment such as the thermalators ensures heat treatment items do not cool down in the middle of treatment. Water is thermostatically controlled and the device contains a snap-off thermal protector to prevent overheating.

Injury to the muscle tissues due to exercise and sports activities are a common every day occurrence. Advancements in technology have made healing quicker, more relaxing, and less painful. Heat is used in physical therapy and rehabilitation to help promote tissue healing, reduce pain, and increase a range of motion. The proper temperature is crucial to providing effective therapy. Thermalators and Hydrocollators ensure that a patient maintains comfort while undergoing treatment for their injury. - 15440

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Considering A Career as a Massage Therapist

By A Nutt

If you are considering a career as a massage therapist, there are a number of considerations you'll want to make before you begin your training.

The first is the length of time you must devote to training, then the additional training that is necessary to become an expert massage therapist.

Each state licenses massage therapists differently, so it is difficult to make generalizations. Only 37 of the 50 states in the U.S. have licensing regulations for massage therapists. The required amount of training varies from 330 contact hours to 1,000 contact hours providing hands-on therapy.

There are also varying requirements for classroom hours a therapist must complete in the classroom. These programs range from just a few weeks to two years, depending on the regulations in the state and the structure of the program.

Although those in an unregulated state can start practicing massage therapy with little or no training, it is clear that thy would not be able to gain or keep clients without the proper training.

After you get the appropriate training, you'll want to either join a facility or start your own practice. Whichever you choose, you will need to follow some basic guidelines for working with clients.

Make sure each client receives quality therapy at each session. They'll be sure to return and send others your way. You want to become genuinely involved in the community in which you practice, and contribute in truly valuable ways.

Have a clear vision of what your goals are so that every move you make is leading you closer to your goals. Be positive and affirming with yourself and with clients, and work hard to preserve your reputation so that you will benefit from word-of-mouth clients.

When you are done training and looking for a job as a massage therapist, you'll have a few options. One is the opening of your own practice. This has implications far beyond simply the massage therapy expertise, requiring good business skills, marketing skills, and negotiating skills as well as the massage skills and customer skills.

There are many salons, resorts and spas that also hire massage therapists. There are a variety of websites and organizations that are dedicated to matching spa service providers with the employers who need their services, so find out about those bulletin boards and websites.

Remember that you can work part time as a massage therapist, but you will have to consider that you need to be available when clients want your services. This may well mean that you need to work evenings and weekends. However, on the positive side, the work is pleasant, and the pay is good. The hours tend to be flexible for a person willing to work when the clients need the services.

Massage therapists may work in spas and salons, but there are other areas of massage therapy as well, such as prenatal massage, infant massage, sports massage, and medical massage. There are also different massage types offered at spas, such as stone therapy and Reiki. - 15440

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