Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bowling Game Tips to Get Better In Bowling

By John Abraham

For all those looking to improve upon their bowling skills, here are some important tips that will help you do better and earn even more pins in the game.

Firstly, you should not use the wrong equipment. Make sure you have the right equipment. Only then you can do well in the bowling game. You need to think about the weight of the ball you carry. It should not be too heavy.

Buy good bowling shoes. You should have your own shoes that fit rightly. If you wear shoes that are too big or small for you, then you will not be comfortable playing the game and may not do well.

You need to get the lift and release right. You have to take some steps that will enable you to do so. First you need to know which foot you should set first. For right handed persons, the right foot must be stepped first.

To make the ball exactly where you want, you have to aim according to the arrows on the floor. This way, you will do a better stride and you ball will go where you want.

Players often think of hitting the middle pin. But if you do so, there are more chances of getting a split. Also, you should bend the knees up to the extent you are comfortable. Thus you will have a better balance.

You should not turn your wrist. Most experts advise to turn the wrist only while making a hook and keep it straight in all other cases. If you are looking for the best bowling tips, you just found it.

More practice is required to learn how to move the ball in any direction. Oiling up the ball helps you to move it straight but there is no need to oil it up if you want it to follow a curved path.

Thus you can get better in the bowling game. You can add more than 30 pins to your game and throw even more strikes with ease. - 15440

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