Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fun and Fitness In Your Living Room

By Patrick Daniels

Exclusively for Nintendo Wii, EA has created EA Sports active. EA Sports Active was developed with the assistance of fitness experts, and provides fun for the user, along with easy to learn fitness routines. Your movement are viewed on the television, as the controllers which track your upper and lower body movements, utilizing leg straps. It enables you to follow wonderful fitness routines with a virtual training in the security of your home.

There are various twenty minute routine, in EA Sports Active, and each day you will be challenged with a routine different from the last. EA Sports Active also provides you with a virtual trainer, for that needed motivation. All routine focus on upper and lower body fitness, however there are options for cardio, if that is what you would prefer.

During your routine the intensity begin to increase and your workout will become increasingly difficult. You virtual trainer provides you with feedback and keep you moving on the right path throughout your entire routine. If you choose you can set up personal routines that focus on a specific area, and no matter what type of routine you do your Wii system will keep track of your daily progress. Another additional motivator with EA Sports Active, is that it provides you with a real time calorie burning count.

With EA Sports Active for the Nintendo Wii, getting exercise and meeting your personal fitness goals is made fun and easy. The exercises in the game are fun, and you can also use the game to workout with a friend which can make the game more fun as well as more beneficial since working out with a friend can provide additional motivation. In multi-player mode, you and your friend can track your own workouts in a split screen setup. You are able to compete against each other which in turn often leads to a more intense workout.

Getting exercise from the comfort of you own living room has never been easier than it is with EA Sports Active for the Nintendo Wii. Using the motion sensing technology of the Wii's controls the game is able to sense your movements, and a personal trainer provides helpful feedback and encouragement throughout your routine. The difficultly and intensity of your workout is based upon your personal level of fitness, making the game an excellent exercise option for anyone regardless of their current level of physical fitness. EA Sports Active can be purchased wherever video games are sold. - 15440

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