Sunday, May 9, 2010

Appreciating The Importance Of Our Skin In Safeguarding Our Body

By Rachel Goodman

Did you know that your skin is regarded as one of the organs in our body? Among them, it's certainly the biggest one as a matter of fact. We tend to think of it as an outer shell which is true but it is so much more than that. Our skin carries various duties that can jeopardize our body's well being if left undone.

Now I won't be going through all of them as there are certainly a lot of them but this article will just specify three of most important roles that it has to play.

The very first one on this list is the most visually apparent. As mentioned earlier, our skin functions as an outer shell protecting all the internal aspects of our body from outside threats such as cuts and bruises which can happen all the time and our skin responds to it by making good use out of its layer after layers of dead skin cells.

With regards to injuries, this takes us to its second major function which revolves around its natural ability to heal itself. The process is extremely sophisticated but would basically involve white blood cells rushing towards the injury to reduce the chances of bacteria and other harmful element from infecting it. This is then accompanied by growth substances that induce the healing process. Notice that whenever you have wounds in your body, it is surrounded by red marks? It is proof of your skin doing this marvelous work.

Finally, the third one on the list is our skin being an important aspect of our body's ability to moderate our temperature. Sweating would make an excellent example for this which helps manage rising body temperature due to physical activities or environmental factors. In the same way, this is also apparent when you are feeling really warm inside that causes all your blood vessels near your skin to expand as it reacts to any rise in temperature.

Now you might think that the fact that our skin is built to protect us doesn't mean we shouldn't return the favor. Quite the opposite actually and it is imperative that you take measures in order to keep it in good shape if you don't want to come across skin problems such as acne.

Acne in specific details is one of the most common skin problems especially among teens. It is known to be caused by the presence of too much oil and dirt on your face which ends up blocking the hair follicles thereby causing the infection. Taking care of it is a relatively simple matter which can be done by washing your face with warm water frequently.

As you can see, your skin is much more precious than you might think and deserves all the care and respect that it needs. - 15440

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