Friday, May 28, 2010

Dogs Can Actually Detect Cancers More Precisely Than A Scientific Equipment

By William Foster

You might be surprised to hear that there are dogs that can detect cancer. Some dogs can even detect cancer with greater accuracy than can sophisticated medical equipment. This was first tested with lung cancer. Dogs who detect cancer do so via breath samples, and there is a connection between breath and lung cancer obviously.

Actually, dogs are ninety-nine percent accurate in detecting lung cancer in this way. They also can detect breast cancer at eighty-eight percent. The next cancer that researchers are trying to see if dogs can detect will be ovarian cancer.

You have to train the dogs to do this first. The dogs are trained by putting breath samples into identical boxes. The boxes are weighted down with concrete slabs so the dogs don't knock the boxes over.

Who thought up this unusual means for testing? Michael McCulloch is the researcher currently working on this project. He's with the Pine Street Foundation, and is conducting the experiments in partnership with the University of Maine. He has tested four different dogs, and each had to accurately identify a correct sample thirty times.

Why would scientists bother with dogs for cancer detection? Survival rates for ovarian cancer aren't the best - about five years. Catching this cancer early is the key to better survival chances. Unfortunately, it usually has few symptoms until it progresses to a stage that is difficult to treat.

Sometimes medical tests can detect this cancer early enough, but this is not always the case. The earlier this cancer is caught the better, so if dogs can detect it quickly this helps patients be successfully treated.

Ovarian cancer is not the only cancer that is best caught early of course. Lung cancer also responds to treatment better if caught early. Some types of breast cancers can be aggressive and grow quickly. These are hard to treat once they are advanced. Mammmography helps us find breast cancer earlier than we would with a self-exam, but dogs may be able to find the cancers even before that point.

Don't fall for hype of herbal remedies or cures for cancer, these don't actually exist. There may be herbs that can help you, and can be used together with traditional treatment, but you need to discuss this with your doctor. Always tell your oncologist and doctor what herbs you are considering before you start taking them, because some herbs can interact with chemotherapy. - 15440

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Rewarding Experience You Can Get Through Running

By Eric Hamilton

Did you know that running can be a great source of psychological benefits? Running is relatively popular as a great form of physical exercise to keep ourselves in shape but all that discipline and meditation that comes with it makes it an ideal venue for overall well being.

Runners who are after its physical benefits typically start out with no other expectations than to stay fit. They do not for example, have any plans of getting themselves unto one of those domestic races or commit themselves to running training clubs and similar groups. That can just as easily change though as there is certainly a significant sense of pride as you raise your running performance.

As for the so called psychological benefits, it's easy to see how you can certainly acquire those simply by trying it out. It's not all as easy as you might think and requires a great deal of focus or meditation and self control which then promotes a positive state of mind that completes the overall wellness package.

To make the best out of any effort that you are willing to churn out it would be best to think of big goals that you are going to achieve in a long term period and since it is after all a long term goal, don't be shy and set the highest one reasonable for you. This can be your big shot at the competitive races or simply focus on your own lap times to build up your performance.

It would also be best to set certain milestones and reward yourself as you reach each point. This will help keep things interesting so as to prevent you from losing your focus as you head to your long term goals. It will keep your motivation in tact which can be of great significance if you want to even hit any of your goals.

If you really want to succeed in any kind of training you intend to do for your runs then setting all these things ahead is certainly well advised. They would serve as your path towards achieving those goals may it be long or short term ones.

However, it would be best to mention one common challenge that most runners run in to when doing any kind of training. This challenge revolves around the fact that you will be responsible for dishing out a reliable means of ensuring that you do not over exert nor under exert any efforts during the training program. The whole process can be an extensive one and will require discipline and patience in order to dish out the desired results.

Keep all of these things in mind and they shall go a long way in enhancing your performance on your runs as well your overall health. - 15440

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting The Most From Massage Therapy Techniques

By Adriana Noton

The specialized use of massage therapy techniques is not new, as humankind has been performing therapeutic massage for centuries. Before medicine was learned in classrooms and hospitals, physical and emotional trauma were often healed through the aggressive use of massage. The therapy techniques we use today are derived from those healing sessions of thousands of years ago.

When you undergo a therapeutic massage session your blood flow increases. Improved circulation leads to better oxygenation of the body, which leads to faster healing and a better state of mind. Together, red and white blood cells are able to move through the body faster and with more effectiveness. Circulation plays a significant role in the body's ability to heal and cope.

Pain can be managed through a number of options. However, if a therapeutic session is held in conjunction with some of the other pain management methods, you are likely to find that you can decrease your state of pain. Injury to your body will often result in a naturally protective stance of the surrounding muscles. While massage can decrease swelling and inflammation, it can also help the surrounding muscles relax. This will give you less pain because the muscles are not holding themselves in chronic tension.

When you use massage therapy to help reduce pain you also tend to increase body awareness. You can learn how to recognize the signs of muscles that are in the early stages of seizing. This helps you change the situation whenever possible to help the muscles relax again. With many injuries it is quite possible to change your posture, which can also take a toll on your musculoskeletal system.

The scientific research has shown that massage therapy techniques can help increase the body's own natural immunity. The improvement in natural body function and self healing can be used with all kinds of conditions. Patients of serious illness tend to have a better quality of life despite the illness because they are calmer, more relaxed, and tend to feel less pain.

There are numerous emotional benefits as well. Anxiety and depression are two of the greatest emotionally based problems in our life today. Anxiety can be alleviated through the process of relaxing your body. When anxiety is high, brain chemicals that tense the muscles, increase awareness, and prepare the body and mind for the flight or fight response kick into high gear. This can help perpetuate the anxiety when it is not in response to immediate danger. Using various techniques, massage therapists can help you access a calm and peaceful state.

There are techniques used on those with depression that can help stimulate positive thoughts. When a session is over, many patients with depression feel relaxed but pleasant. It is possible for a massage therapist to teach you some brief self massage tricks to help you maintain a more positive place in between sessions.

Fortunately, you don't have to be suffering from a specific condition to respond to the massage therapy techniques that are in use today. Rather, anyone can benefit from the practice and reap the health benefits to stay healthy. Our bodies are used in all kinds of unnatural positions and are not always cared for vehemently enough. This is one method of increasing the care you offer even a healthy body. - 15440

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Appreciating The Importance Of Our Skin In Safeguarding Our Body

By Rachel Goodman

Did you know that your skin is regarded as one of the organs in our body? Among them, it's certainly the biggest one as a matter of fact. We tend to think of it as an outer shell which is true but it is so much more than that. Our skin carries various duties that can jeopardize our body's well being if left undone.

Now I won't be going through all of them as there are certainly a lot of them but this article will just specify three of most important roles that it has to play.

The very first one on this list is the most visually apparent. As mentioned earlier, our skin functions as an outer shell protecting all the internal aspects of our body from outside threats such as cuts and bruises which can happen all the time and our skin responds to it by making good use out of its layer after layers of dead skin cells.

With regards to injuries, this takes us to its second major function which revolves around its natural ability to heal itself. The process is extremely sophisticated but would basically involve white blood cells rushing towards the injury to reduce the chances of bacteria and other harmful element from infecting it. This is then accompanied by growth substances that induce the healing process. Notice that whenever you have wounds in your body, it is surrounded by red marks? It is proof of your skin doing this marvelous work.

Finally, the third one on the list is our skin being an important aspect of our body's ability to moderate our temperature. Sweating would make an excellent example for this which helps manage rising body temperature due to physical activities or environmental factors. In the same way, this is also apparent when you are feeling really warm inside that causes all your blood vessels near your skin to expand as it reacts to any rise in temperature.

Now you might think that the fact that our skin is built to protect us doesn't mean we shouldn't return the favor. Quite the opposite actually and it is imperative that you take measures in order to keep it in good shape if you don't want to come across skin problems such as acne.

Acne in specific details is one of the most common skin problems especially among teens. It is known to be caused by the presence of too much oil and dirt on your face which ends up blocking the hair follicles thereby causing the infection. Taking care of it is a relatively simple matter which can be done by washing your face with warm water frequently.

As you can see, your skin is much more precious than you might think and deserves all the care and respect that it needs. - 15440

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Building Muscle Mass With Russian Stim

By Adriana Noton

The development of muscles of the body is important for every living thing. Every movement made involves the use of one or more of these important parts of the body. Having them in good condition is a must for over all health. One way to be sure this happens is with the Russian stim method.

There is nothing worse than someone having an accident and winding up with a broken neck or back. This makes the rest of the body, usually, unable to move and makes the muscles deteriorate. At the present time the use of electrical stimulation is being used to keep these areas active and, hopefully, will one day lead to the discovery of a complete recovery for these people.

This type of increasing activity of body mass has been adapted by the medical community. It is used in rehabilitation and other areas where reviving muscle activity is necessary. This method is now being actively tested on people with paralysis to attempt to revive nerves in the affected areas. It has also been used in the training of athletes who are entering other types of competition.

This program will not be effective for those wishing to lose weight. It is agreed, by the medical profession, that the only way this can come about is by exercise and controlled eating. It will, however increase body mass. It is also used to help with injuries to bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. It is not effective in pain control, but the electronic muscle stimulator is still a successfully proven product nonetheless.

Both models of this device consist of units which transmit electrical charges to certain muscle areas. The one used by the general public can be in the form of a belt or individual units which are placed in various areas. The charge on the latter units is about that of a 9 volt battery. Time and charge control modes are in a hand remote device.

There are two different types of this program which have been approved by the FDA. One is over the counter and one requires a medical prescription. The medical prescription is for therapy and must be under the supervision of an authorized person. On the prescription model electrodes are attached to various muscle positions under supervision and heavier currents are used compared to the model available to the public.

This device has been approved by the FDA in two areas. One is by prescription only and must be used under the guidance of a therapist or other member of the medical profession. This unit has very strong electrical charges. The over the counter unit and may be purchased by anyone and has a lower power charge.

If one wishes to build muscular strength this method, called Russian stim, will stimulate the areas in the same manner as exercising. It will contract and relax the area the same as would happen if one had a continuous movement. This will, over time, build up that particular area and is called passive exercise. - 15440

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