Friday, April 30, 2010

How Migraines Can Waste You A Lot Of Money

By Francis Irvine

Migraine headaches can be expensive for the sufferer. But recent studies have revealed that they can also be expensive for the family of the sufferer and even the employer of the sufferer.

A person who suffers from chronic migraine headaches is often referred to as a migraineur. Migraineurs often suffer in their quality of life as they miss some of life's most important events due to their headaches. They are also likely to pay higher health care costs than non-migraineurs.

Many people have lost so much work due to migraines that their income suffers. Some people may even be passed over for advancement within the company, as employers may view people who miss work frequently as a liability.

The actual migraine-related cost to employers is very high. Migraine-related costs to employers has been estimated to be over twenty-four billion dollars each year in the United States alone. Absenteeism, worker's compensation, and short-term disability account for roughly half of that estimate.

These estimates would likely be even higher if they included "presenteeism." Presenteesim refers to the cost of lowered productivity by migrainuers who come to work with a migraine.

Outpatient care is the largest contributor to the twelve point seven billion dollars in direct costs that employers pay every year.

Outpatient care alone costs employers of migraine sufferers in the United States $6.2 billion each year. Prescription drug costs for employers of migraine sufferers are approximately $5.2 billion each year in the United States. Inpatient care and emergency room visits add to these costs.

The employer-related costs of migraine headaches is a problem not only in the United States, but overseas as well. The United Kingdom, for example, has estimated that they experience twenty-five million days each year that are lost from work or school due to migraine headaches of workers and students. The loss in productivity is such a problem that employers are encouraging preventative treatments to reduce costs over time. - 15440

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Health Recommendations and Advice

By Adriana Noton

Let's clarify one misconception at the beginning of this self-help health guide. There is no miracle overnight solution to resolve all your health issues. Health development is a routine process, in which you might not notice the results until a very long time, if at all. You are less likely to take notice that your body has no visible problem areas, but you are definitely alert to any pains or sicknesses that your body might experience.

In order to start living healthily, you will have to take several active measures in your day-to-day life habits. This includes your dietary plans. Not only should you eat every meal of the day (yes, breakfast too!), but you should also be aware of what you are consuming, and whether they are healthy for your body or not. You have to take calories, vitamins, and nutrients into account. Don't let your body slack off.

Your lifestyle is also affected by your exercise routines. Keep the body active. Keep the body fresh and energized. Keep the body always moving. Working out helps build your immune system, making it stronger against viruses or any other illnesses. You are less likely to get sick if you exercise on a routine basis.

Another method to take into consideration is your sleeping habits. Your body should always get plenty of rest each night. In fact, experts say that you should get at least six to seven hours of sleep in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. Too little sleep can be fatiguing. Too much sleep, however, also has their consequences.

There are lots of health articles on the Internet, each offering their own version of advices and recommendations on how to lead a strong and vibrant life. Instead of parroting what was already said before, this entry will summarize all the health tips in short, sufficient points.

* Eat healthy foods Food is a very important supplement to our health. Think of it as the energizing battery for the human body. By eating healthily, we build up our body to be strong against sickness and illnesses. Food also gives nutrients to other parts of the body, preventing most 'malfunctions' or the like.

* Exercise (almost) daily Have a good workout everyday, or at least every other day. This keeps your body fit, active, and very much in shape.

* Get plenty of rest Your sleeping habits are linked to your physical and even emotional well-being. Someone who gets lots of rest will be more energized for the rest of the day. Someone who doesn't get enough rest will be groggy and more susceptible to illnesses.

These are the three core values from most health articles on the Internet - diet, exercise, and rest. As long as you maintain all three to a sufficient level, you should be able to lead a very healthy life.

Most health advice is just common sense phrased in an articulate manner with medical jargon. However, it is no coincidence that the people with common sense are often the ones leading healthy lifestyles. You should already know what is good and what is bad for your body. It is another matter whether you decide to follow the advice or not. Regardless, the best way to start living healthily is through effort and dedication, that much is guaranteed. - 15440

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Friday, April 23, 2010

How Can An Electronic Muscle Stimulator Help Your Muscles

By Adriana Noton

The EMS or electronic muscle stimulator has been proven to help muscles in multiple ways. There are models for home use as well as the ones for more traditional use. Clinics, hospitals, physical rehabilitation facilities use them to help rehabilitate patients routinely. They have in fact been in use for over 40 years.

Some of the home models have not been approved for safe use. This does not necessarily mean they are all proven to be unsafe it just mean they haven't been tested by a third party to ensure they are safe. Prior to investing in one for home make sure it a regulatory agency and given a seal of approval. Without there is a risk of slight burns or shock where the electrodes are attached to the skin.

An EMS will re-educate muscle, as in the case of someone who has temporarily lost the use of a muscle and is learning how to use it again. It is used to relax the muscles of patients that have painful muscle spasms and for those who are recovering from an injury and need to increase range of motion.

Muscles spasms are very painful but the electronic muscle stimulator will relax them and leave the patient pain free. Greater range of motion is obtained with its used. The units are usually used on conditions or injuries that limit muscle function in general.

The frequency and intensity of the electrical current directed at the muscles is determined by the extent of damage to them. This is why is its use is best started by a professional. A low frequency is always used first so the patient gets used to the feel of it. The frequency is then gradually increased. When the patient learns how the particular muscle should feel when contracted a portable unit may be given by the practitioner with instructions to be taken home.

These machines come in various sizes, of course the ones for home use are smaller. They may have a digital display with instructions and show what the frequency is that is being set with the ability to lock it in to provide consistency. Some are even a hand held size. The electrodes are attached to leads which are attached to the EMS. These electrodes will be applied to the skin at the site of the necessary muscle. Once the unit is on an electrical impulse goes directly to that area and contracts and relaxes the muscle rhythmically. It mimics the way a muscle naturally moves and stimulates the nerves to move them.

The stimulator is used for non medical purposes as well. Athletes use it along with regular exercise to increase muscle strength, endurance and response speed. It can be used for those times when you are unable to workout. It is also used on the abdominal muscles to further define the area and stimulate muscles that are hard to work with conventional exercise.

The elderly benefit from the use of an electronic muscle stimulator as it will increase oxygen and circulation to the muscles. This will tone them and increase endurance and with better muscle tone you have stronger bones. However the unit is used it can increase overall quality of life. - 15440

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Learning About Massage Therapy Treatments

By Adriana Noton

Many people are aware of the general, positive effects that massage therapy can have for individuals, just as how there are many different types of massage treatments that one can choose from. However, there are many other benefits to massage that are often overlooked that can help both mind, body and spirit as well.

Many people tend to make assumptions when it comes to the general basics of massage treatments. For instance, most are aware how massage can help fight against back pain, muscle tension, can promote relaxation and alleviate stress, promotes circulation, and can also offer help against the everyday wear and tear that many athletic individuals may suffer from.

Massage doesn't just stop at where the body is concerned, however, but can also help in many different ways when it comes to mental and emotional problems as well. Things such as stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and so forth are just some of the many things that can be treated or made more manageable through massage practices.

As our daily activities can generally bring on muscle tension, it can also bring forth a build up of toxins. Both tension and toxins which create such tensions can generally affect that of our chemical balance, which in turn may strain musculoskeletal. When the musculoskeletal system is strained, this can create feelings irritability, fatigue, stress, and a loss motivation to care our day-to-day tasks. Massage is a method to help release toxins and tension, helping to relieve many of these symptoms.

With regular massage therapy, one can truly benefit when having ongoing ailments such as arthritis, asthma, chronic back pain or pain affecting other pars of the body, high blood pressure, premenstrual symptoms, and also anxiety and depression. It can also help in more long term ways such as raising the immunity systems by bringing on stimulation through the body's basic, natural defense system.

A few other benefits that toronto massages can assist with would scarring or stretch marks, due to helping with cell regeneration, reducing post-surgery ailments, swelling, cramping, spasm, migraines and so forth. Massage can also help to release endorphins which work much like the body's own natural happy pill and pain reliever all in one go.

Many individuals have reported not just a relief of everyday problems or issues that massages can offer, but they are also finding that they are able to concentrate more. Another benefit is that many find themselves energized, rather than just relaxed, giving them the better ability to get on with their daily routines and lives.

With regular massage therapy, many people will eventually start to notice not just increased energy and less stress, but often relief in many ongoing problems that may be a little more serious. However, it's a good rule of thumb to always let the professional who is helping you know what ailments are plaguing you, as this may affect the overall results or could possibly help you in more ways than you originally had in mind. - 15440

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Indoor Playgrounds And Attractions For Kids

By Adriana Noton

When you want to know where some excellent Indoor Playgrounds and Attractions are, then you can find some on the internet or by asking around. If a play space is well liked by families, it will be popular and come recommended. Locating some special spots for you and your kids to visit, can help your weekends and summer vacations stay entertaining and fun.

Indoor play spaces are perfect for any kind of weather. If it is extremely hot outside and you still want to get out of the house, you can venture to an indoor kids entertainment spot. It might be the only thing to do on those kinds of days. Even in the seasons where the weather is unpredictable, and there are some long cold and rainy days, heading indoors for some active fun might be just the thing. When the temperature drops and you still want your family to stay healthy and busy, you can take advantage of indoor places.

When you want to know what a kids place looks like, you can find it online and go on their website. Most kids attraction spots will have a detailed website with pictures and more information. You can then decide if the play structures are geared for the ages your children are and if it looks worth the money.

If you visit a play space that you do not like very much, do not give up. There are lots of great ones to pick from and it might just be about finding the right attractions for you. If you checked one out on the internet only to find it sad looking in real life, just keep trying until you find one better.

Most indoor playgrounds have a climbing structure that helps kids work on their gross motor skills. Kids can climb, crawl, slide and run to get all of their energy out. A play space should have a structure and a large area for running around. Plenty of space is just what is needed for children to play properly.

If your kids want to go back for a second time, then you know it was a well liked place. When you are there for a visit, your children should be busy and doing constructive things. For your own comfort, there should be a quiet and thoughtful place for adults to communicate with each other and take a break. If the activity involves parents, it should be something that is family orientated.

Some kids attractions are worth the drive. So just because a listing is far away, it might be worth while to make the drive and see what it is all about. It might be something that you and your family make a monthly or yearly trip to. When a kids fun place is close by, it might become a common meeting place for you and your friend's kids to hang out.

It is important to take advantage of Indoor Playgrounds and Attractions. They can help kids and families stay busy when they can't go outside. - 15440

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Plastic Surgery Helps People Improve Their View Of Themselves

By Emily Houston

Plastic surgery has multiple applications. It can be useful for reconstructive, cosmetic, and aesthetic purposes. Maybe you have a scar, a ripped earlobe, or some other irregular part of the body. Plastic surgery is a useful way to correct these appearances.

Plastic surgery can be used to reconstruct a nose that has been damaged by melanoma or a bad accident. This has practical purposes, as people with damaged noses are more likely to snore, and can also improve a person's self-image.

Plastic surgery can be used to improve one's physical beauty, and is sometimes referred to as aesthetic surgery. Plastic surgery has many uses for both the young and the old. Benefits can include physical, psychological, and emotional improvements.

For some people, appearances can create emotional struggles that monopolize their outlook on life. This can have a negative impact on almost every area of one's life.

It is not uncommon for people suffering from low body image to have difficulty relating to others. The perception they carry about themselves may come out in how they treat other people. This may come out in simple body language without them even realizing it. As a person's psychological outlook improves after plastic surgery, often their communication improves as well.

Many children suffer from psychological trauma as a result of teasing from other children. After years of this treatment, a person's self-worth often declines. By adulthood, these grown children often continue to suffer from feeling of low self-worth.

For some, plastic surgery can help to stop the torment and begin healing from past emotional wounds.

Plastic surgery is not for everyone, and every surgery has risks. But for many, the physical, psychological, and emotional benefits of plastic surgery can improve a person's self-worth and outlook on life. - 15440

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Shiatsu Massage Provides Many Beneficial Outcomes

By Tom Newberry

Shiatsu is another ancient form of therapy. It is a therapy designed to relieve stress in the body and to promote healing of bodily ailments. The roots of this interesting therapy are traced back to China, yet the Japanese have made it their own. By adding figure pressure, the Japanese are applying Acupuncture but without the needles. Shiatsu involves detecting energy blockages in the body. It helps on releasing them to restore the flow.

There are some similarities between shiatsu and acupressure. The difference mainly lies in the placement of the massage. Acupressure is mainly performed over the acu-pressure point. In the case of shiatsu, the massage will extend over a greater range and extend beyond just the acupoints.

Shiatsu also targets relief of muscles and soft tissue areas. An invigorating type of tapping action is used to enhance blood circulation in loosening up the muscles. Also, gradual pressure is also used especially in the acupressure points. This increasing pressure uses a rhythmical movement helps to release tension.

Both shiatsu and acupressure follow the principles regarding the energy flow through the body. This is common practice in many diverse Oriental medicines. There is a common belief in a life energy force which permeates throughout the body. Conflicts with this energy cause turmoil in the body.

Practitioners of shiatsu are able to locate blockages of energy in the body. They then concentrate on releasing this energy to restore balance. When the energy is upset, it is believed that it is the cause of a variety of health-related problems. Shiatsu is designed to bring the body back into balance and restore health.

Shiatsu uses a compression or holding massage. This is simply using the hands to hold around a given muscle or part of the body. Hands provide both touch and warm. This gentle squeeze it is done to initiate the healing process in the body.

Shiatsu involves many very subtle techniques and movements. These have evolved throughout the centuries and continue to this day. Practitioners of today use other variants of techniques in addition to the mainstream shiatsu techniques.

There is also a barefoot shiatsu version. Practitioners of the barefoot shiatsu actually walk on your back. The person is layed on a flat surface and the practitioner uses their bare feet to deliver the massage. The weight of the practitioner determines the force which can be applied to the person.

Shiatsu is been commonly used by massage practitioners around the world. It has become an alternative form of therapy under traditional medicine. It is fairly common to find shiatsu as one of the specialties of masseuses in different parts of the world.

Many of the elements of shiatsu massage are being integrated into massage chairs. Massage chairs are able to imitate the hand movements of a masseuse. Sophisticated software programs enable massage chairs to perform a scan of the back and make a map of individual acupoints. The program then feeds those coordinates and prioritizes them for relieving and soothing.

Shiatsu massage is quite an invigorating massage to obtain. You will definitely understand major relationships in your body. The tenseness and tightness of muscles will be found out quickly. The treatment to those areas to unblock energy is central to shiatsu philosophy. There are many subtle elements constituting shiatsu massage therapy.

The amazing variety of subtle relationships that combine to make shiatsu massage is very interesting. The use of acupressure points and soothing major muscle groups provides for a very effective in relieving massage. The popularity of shiatsu is a testament to its restorative potential. - 15440

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Losing Weight: Some Possible Exercises

By Adriana Noton

In today's busy world, many of us have a tough time trying to make time for exercise. We all know the advantages of exercise, and know that it is probably one of the best things we can do for our health. In reality, even if we keep saying 'I don't have time for exercise', it's really a matter of prioritizing your time. If you truly do care about your health, then you will make time for exercise.

To help you make best use of your time for exercise, below is a list of easy to do, equipment-free (or if it does use equipment, very easy to obtain or create your own) exercises. They've all been proven to work and are very effective - so long you do them regularly. Regularly means at least two to three times a week, for sessions of half an hour to an hour. Not that long right?

Walking This is probably one of the easiest exercises a person can do. We use our cars too often now and with many jobs being in the office, lose the for some physical activity. But it's quite simple to get back to it; instead of parking so close to the office, park a little further away. Instead of driving, take the bus. Or even, take some time out of your break and take a brisk walk outside.

Stairs Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator! So long you don't live on the 100th floor or something crazy like that, you can get some real good exercise out of this.

Swimming Perhaps one of the best exercises one person can do. It works your whole body. Know how Olympic swimmers look like? Well, they didn't look the way they do by doing nothing. Whether you are an athlete or not, it is always important to make health plans ahead of time, so you can measure the length of your exercise routines.

Biking Another fun exercise that anyone can do. Pick a nice park somewhere and bike in it. Enjoy a little bit of nature zooming by while exercising. Can be both relaxing and exhilarating.

Push ups This is a tried and true technique to build up your arm and shoulder muscles. So long you work yourself a sweat doing these exercises, there's no reason for it to not show any results. There are also so many variations of this exercise that there will almost always be a tougher version of the push up. Don't under estimate this exercise.

Pull-ups One of my all time favourites, it works almost your complete upper body. All you really need is a bar that you can pull your body up from (hence pull-up). You can easily put one up yourself. The only disadvantage this exercise it is hard; many people can't even do more than 1 pull-up. But don't despair! Even if you can only do one per set in the beginning, as long as you keep up at it, I can almost guarantee that you'll start improving and see results.

Ultimately for any of these exercises to have any results, you have to keep doing them routinely. It must become a habit to do it, else you won't see results. - 15440

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