Thursday, March 18, 2010

Personal Training: The Way To The Body Of Your Dreams.

By Adriana Noton

You might be interested in losing weight for health reasons or perhaps you just want to fit into those skinny jeans. Whatever your fitness goals are, the best way to go about achieving them would be to hire a personal trainer. Personal training can help you to rev up your exercise routine and tailor make it to meet your needs.

For starters, an individualised exercise regime under the watchful eye of a skilled professional is one of the safest ways of working out. This is especially important if you have health problems or are starting an exercise regiment after a long layoff. A fitness professional will ensure that you perform all the exercises correctly and plan your workout in such a way that you minimise injury and over-strain.

A trainer will also be able to help you target your problem areas. For example, many women have a problem with their lower bodies, a trainer could help women to isolate and target the hips, thighs and buttocks. Whether you are a seasoned athlete seeking to up your game or a novice who just wants to get fit, a personal trainer can go a long way towards helping you to reach your goals.

One of the key challenges that most of us face is staying motivated and sticking to an exercise plan. Many people tend to invest in expensive gym memberships only to let them go to waste after the initial enthusiasm wears off. A professional will give you that much needed push and help you develop self discipline.

When you hire a fitness professional, you can also rest assure that your exercise routine will be anything but run of the mill. He or she can add some fun and variety to your fitness plan, by taking it out of the gym for instance. You could do outdoor workouts or take up a sport with the help of a professional. This spice and variety in your workouts will also ensure that you do not plateau.

The expertise that an experienced trainer can bring goes beyond the actual workout plan, he or she can help you to transform your life overall. You can opt to engage a professional who is experienced and well versed in creating a diet plan that will supplement your exercise program. This will contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

One of the main deterrents that keep people from getting personal training is the cost. However, a personal trainer can be an extremely cost effective investment, when you think about how they contribute towards a better quality of life. You could scour the internet for someone who fits your budget or check with the local gyms about any promotions that they might have.

Personal training can be an extremely effective way to achieve your fitness goals. It will allow you to exercise in a safe and yet efficient manner. A fun and engaging personal trainer can also make your workout a less dreaded experience, turning fitness into fun. It is definitely an option that you should consider if you are serious about your health and fitness goals. - 15440

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Friday, March 5, 2010

A Look At The Philosophy Of Yoga

By Adriana Noton

For many people the word yoga conjures up something only vaguely related to the lotus position. However, it is more than just one pose; it embraces not only a physical discipline but also a philosophical basis for leading one's life. The word itself comes from ancient Sanskrit text and roughly translates to "royal union, " which is to say a proper balance between body and mind.

The ancient text that provides the foundation is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It was written over two thousand years ago and is divided into four books. They are called the Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada, and the Kaivalya Pada. It is in the Sadhana Pada that one can discover the physical aspect of yoga.

Within the Sadhana Pada one will find the eight "limbs." These steps are known as the Ashtanga yoga. The first five limbs concern external aids while the last three address internal issues. Asana is one of the five external aids, or the third limb, and refers to discipline of the body. It stresses that the body should be kept disease-free while preserving vital energy. It is the teachings found in this book of the Sutras that give rise to what most Westerners construe as yoga.

Asana is the plural of asan which means body position or posture. Its purpose is to improve flexibility, vitality, and promote meditation. Some adherents of asana believe that practicing its positions open up the energy channels and psychic centers in the body. According to asana, any position assumed should be steady and comfortable, yet firm.

As alluded to earlier, the body should not experience any discomfort when assuming any pose. There are dozens of positions that a practitioner can strike, from beginner level to advanced.

Regardless of one's level of expertise, there are some fundamental concepts that should be adhered to. The stomach should always be empty before commencing any exercise. The body should not experience any trembling from force or pressure. Breathing should be controlled and not erratic. Most of the exercises are not performed on a floor but rather on a mat, and at the conclusion of the session, time should be spent attaining a deep state of relaxation.

Poses can be done standing up, seated, supine, while balanced, or while the back is bent. There are a wide variety of poses and they can be classified as beginner, intermediate, or advanced level positions. Some beginner standing poses are The Downward Facing Dog, The Standing Forward Bend, and The Pyramid Pose. Seated poses such as Half Lord of the Fishes, Seated Wide Legged Straddle, and the Cobbler's Pose are also geared towards those just starting out.

As mentioned, yoga encompasses much more than just forming your body into a specific pose. It is a philosophy that addresses not just corporeal well being but also spiritual needs as well. In fact, the first "limb" of the Sutras preaches such virtues as non-violence, truth in word and thought, and celibacy for those who are not married and monogamy for those who are. - 15440

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