Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are Massages Appropriate for Every Age Group

By Adriana Noton

A massage can be a great stress buster. In this day and age when just about everyone, including children are stressed, can anyone get a massage? While age is not a deterrent to having a massage, not all types of massages are appropriate for all age groups. It is for this reason why there are masseuses who are trained in offering various types of massages.

While massages are appropriate for any person aged 0 to 100, there are massages and techniques that are best suited for different age groups. Plus, the techniques used and pressure asserted when giving a healthy adult male a massage wouldn't be used on a child of eight. An aromatherapy massage may not be ideal for an asthmatic as the strong scents may bring on an attack, but again this is not age-related.

It may be surprising to learn that babies can benefit greatly from massages. In fact, from the first day of birth a massage can be given to a baby. Not everyone can give a baby a massage as there are techniques that must be learned so as not to harm them. Many parents take classes on giving massages to babies because of the many benefits that can be derived from this. Some of the wonderful benefits include:

- For many newborns, a massage makes the transition from the womb into the world a bit easier. - Helps to soothe a fussy baby - Can help put a baby to sleep - Helps improve and maintain the health of the baby's circulatory system and even their digestive system - Helps to build and strengthen the bond between parents and babies

In fact, there are only a few groups of persons who are advised not to have massages. Others can have massages if they have certain conditions, but the affected areas of the body must be avoided. None of these factors, however, has anything to do with age. These individuals are:

- Pregnant women in their first trimester. In fact, unless the masseuse has been trained in giving massages to pregnant women, known as prenatal massage, you shouldn't get a massage when pregnant. - Persons with varicose veins should avoid having the areas with the veins massaged - Persons with broken bones. Clearly the tissue surrounding broken bones should not be massaged. Even the areas just outside the cast may be sensitive to pressure. - People with areas with open cuts and wounds.

Anyone can have a stress busting, relaxing massage regardless of their age. The one factor is that the massage should be age-appropriate and performed by someone trained to offer this type of massage as certain massages are appropriate for people of varying ages.

Before deciding on what type of massage to get or give someone, learn about the various types of massages that exist. There are quite a few, with the 10 most commonly known ones being Swedish massage, Acupressure massage, Deep Tissue massage, Aromatherapy massage, Pregnancy massage, Hot Stone massage, Back massage, Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, and Geriatric massage.

Over the years, massage therapy has become a popular choice for people of all ages. They provide the soothing comfort and relaxation that we all could use at some point in our lives. - 15440

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Advise for Choosing Wireless Burglar Alarms

By Tab Pierce

Burglar alarms are electronic devices that can help to keep unwanted intruders from entering your home. Not only can they keep your house safe by sounding an alarm when the house is entered without your permission, but they can also serve as a deterrent when there is signage that a burglar alarm is installed. Thieves are looking for easy break and enter situations and will often pass up homes that have alarms installed in them.

There are two major forms of burglar alarms. They are wireless and hard wired burglar alarms. A hard wired alarm tends to have high installation as well as maintenance costs, which is the main reason why wireless burglar alarms are so popular.

In days past, it was only the wealthy who could afford to have burglar alarms installed in their homes. Today homeowners can find inexpensive wireless alarms at their local home improvement stores. Many people can install these themselves, saving themselves hundreds if not thousands of dollars in installation costs.

Another advantage to a wireless burglar alarm is that it is portable. When you decide to move you will be able to take the alarm with you. This saves you from having to buy a new system, unless you want to use the burglar alarm as an attractive feature for selling your home.

Wireless burglar alarms are also very flexible. You can place the sensors on your windows, doors and other locations in your house. Therefore, you can decide the strategic entry points and place your sensors accordingly.

Wireless burglar alarms also do come in various formats, depending on what your needs as well as budget are. If you have a lot of large windows you might want to invest in a system that comes with glass break detectors. Many wireless burglar alarms have motion detectors and some even have smoke detectors as well. Security cameras are another feature you can add to a wireless burglar alarm type of system.

You can buy a wireless burglar alarms at a home improvement or local hardware store or even purchase one online. The internet is also a convenient way of researching various systems and options. Before you decide which particular burglar alarm you want to purchase, be sure that you have thoroughly examined what your specific safety concerns and requirements are and do thorough research on different the different available options.

Wireless burglar alarms are very inexpensive, easy to install, and flexible. They provide a great way for homeowners to help safeguard their home as well as their loved ones living in it. If you do not currently have an alarm system installed in your home, you should definitely consider getting one. - 15440

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